The Body Shop ‘Himalayan Charcoal’ Face Mask Review

Happy Monday everyone!

I thought I’d kick this week off with a review of my new favourite face mask. As many of you may remember, in my winter skincare post, I mentioned that things don’t get much better than my trusty L’Oréal pure clay detox mask… well, I think I’ll have to take that claim back now!

After receiving this face mask as a gift for Christmas, I have fallen completely in love with it to the point I can’t stop using it. Despite being double the price of the L’Oréal one’s, this Himalayan charcoal mask is definitely one to invest in. It is 100% vegan for those who are wondering, and consists of three main ingredients: bamboo charcoal, organic tea tree oil and soothing green tea leaves. What is better, is that it is completely paraffin free – meaning you don’t have to worry about any harmful effects if you have very sensitive skin.


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In comparison to the L’Oréal range of face masks, this one feels a lot more invigorating and re-energising once it is washed off your skin. I must mention that because of the added tea tree oil, it does have a slight after burn on your face but this soon cools down after a few minutes so it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, this is just one of the reasons why I love this mask so much, as you can genuinely feel the process of it cleansing and purifying the pores in your skin.

It is perfect to apply in the evening after removing your make up and only needs to be left on for approx. 10 minutes – an ideal slot to grab a cup of tea, whilst you sit back and wait for it to work its magic! I’d recommend applying the mask with a flat make up brush as it can get quite messy, however it is just as easy to put on with your bare hands if you’re prepared to clean up afterwards.

So far, I have used this mask about four times and it has left me with great results after each and every one. There is still enough left in the jar for roughly six more applications; so you do actually get your moneys worth despite the £18 price tag. It is a great product to gift, as well as to keep for yourself. And since we’re having a lot of nights in from now on, it is the ultimate product to have in your cabinet for whenever you may fancy a little spa evening in the comfort of your own home.


Very effective at controlling breakoutsMore expensive than other masks, but definitely worth the investment
It has a very calming scent unlike other masksCan feel harsh on your skin when first applied but you soon get used to this
It leaves your skin glowing and feeling extremely refreshed
Makes your skin feel softer and clearer once washed off with a warm cloth
Long lasting – at least 10 applications worth in each jar

As you can see, I don’t have many negative things to say about this mask… It is now one of my favourite skincare products and I urge anyone who is debating whether to invest in it or not, to take the plunge and to just treat yourself!

Since using this mask, my skin has never really felt better and I couldn’t recommend this product anymore. Also, The Body Shop currently have 20% off and free delivery over £15 – so now’s definitely the time to snap it up, as I can guarantee you really won’t regret it.

Do you have any favourite skincare products? Or any must try skincare brands?! If you do, I’d love to know in the comments below!

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Hope everyone is staying safe and not losing the plot already!…

Lydia <3


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