Hello everyone! Long time no speak…
Sorry for being quite inactive on here for the last few weeks, uni work got on top of me, and I wanted to wait until I had submitted all of my work before I carried on writing posts. Luckily though, it’s all out the way now and you can expect a lot more posts from me all throughout summer!
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well… I thought I’d write this post as I have been pretty obsessed with my skincare lately. Since we’re not really going out anywhere, I have really tried to invest in the time I set aside for my everyday skincare routine. If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen a few new products on my stories that I have been using for a few weeks now, and I wanted to share my thoughts on them.
As I have mentioned before, I have quite dry skin so whenever I look to buy new skincare products, one thing they must do, is hydrate my skin and make it feel nourished.

Funnily enough, I actually first heard of The Ordinary range whilst flicking through TikTok one day. Almost everyone was sharing videos of the ‘AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution’, and although I STILL haven’t managed to get my hands on that product (it has literally sold out everywhere!), I thought I would do some research into their other products and solutions…
Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%

When researching, I read all the descriptions of each product that caught my eye, and then I turned to YouTube for some more product reviews. I tend to do this a lot before buying skincare and make up that I cannot test, as it gives you a better idea of what to expect when it arrives, and which product will work for you based on your skin type.
So after browsing Beauty Bay for a good hour or so, I decided to go for the Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% formula. This only cost me about £5 so honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to be that great… But oh my god! I couldn’t have been more wrong. This product is an absolute game changer!
It does say online that this solution is more suited for those with oily skin, however, the main reason I opted for this one was because it claimed to minimise your pores, whilst also smoothing out your skin and improving it’s overall health. And let me tell you, that is exactly what it does!
Naturally, my skin is quite clear, but obviously, we all have those odd breakouts now and then and sometimes, I can’t help myself but pick my spots – gross, I know. But because of this tendency, I do have a few red marks on my face from where my spots have scared my skin – so I was really hoping that this product would help to reduce the appearance of those.
I have been using this formula for about a month now, and I used it twice a day; in the morning and evening straight after washing my face. I really can’t believe just how much it has improved my skin and I just love the dewy look it gives you once you apply it. I’ll definitely be purchasing this again as soon as mine runs out!
Natural Moisturising Factors + HA
The other product I bought from The Ordinary skincare range was this moisturiser that said it would offer immediate hydration and lasting results – well, that was me sold!
After using this moisturiser for the last few weeks, I have decided that it is the perfect formula for day time as it’s so light and it doesn’t make you feel greasy at all. It’s great to apply under make up, and even better for those days you just want a natural glow and to be make up free.

This product was also under £5 and if that doesn’t impress you for high quality skincare, then I don’t know what will! The branding and packaging of The Ordinary products is so beautiful and really does feel luxurious…
I will also definitely be re-purchasing this moisturiser as soon as it runs out! It is a great staple to have in your skincare routine.
So, to round up, The Ordinary products are 100% worth your money! They are really affordable and they have a product for every single skin care type out there. I love the addition of the pipettes on the solutions, as it makes them so easy to apply, and as I have already said, the packaging is just gorgeous.
The products on my wishlist that I am wanting to purchase next are the AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution, Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 Hydration Support Formula and the Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution. So if I manage to get my hands on these products, of course I will review them for you either on my blog or over on my Instagram stories so you can purchase them with great intention!
I hope you have enjoyed reading this post – what are your favourite skincare products?! I’d love to know in the comments below!
Hope you’re all having a lovely Sunday in the sun!
Lydia <3
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